Tuesday 31 May 2011

~ Wallace & Grommit ~

Well I think I've turned into a children's entertainer,or guess what It's the school holidays!! Having  four children who love to be out and about, well can I just say sometimes I can be a bit stuck for ideas where to take them,but today I struck gold. I decided to take them to the Science Life Centre In Newcastle,
There is a Wallace & Grommit exhibition running at the moment,It's on till October I think. 

Just like my pantry at home ...In my dreams

As we all love the fab animations, off we went, we had a great day and it's well worth a look to see how detailed the little sets are makes you realise how much work goes into these fab movies, that are Wallace & Grommit. 

~This so applies to me ~

~This so applies to me ~

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